Freebie: 46" Sony Rear Projection
(too old to reply)
Dark Zenith
2007-04-10 20:22:23 UTC
I have a freebie 46" Sony Rear Projection for pickup, Call 943-6935, Ask for

I recieved the unit for free a year ago, had it repaired, cost 275 for a new
power supply as the unit wouldn't come out of standby. The unit is having
the same issue now. Now that it has happened again it is likely they can
track down the fault and repair that while replacing the power supply again.

Anyways, I want the unit gone today, otherwise I will dump it. thanx

Randy - 943-6935
Dark Zenith
2007-04-15 17:08:42 UTC
Ok, lets try this again... My wife decided less than 10 minutes after
posting this to have us head out for the night... :/ anyways, this time it
IS/WILL be available... first person to REPLY to the NEWSGROUP will get the
item... I will go by chronological order for finding someone... I am only
doing this to be fair as I have no idea who all phoned, some e-mailed and
such about it... :/ anyways... post a response to the group and you can
have it :)

Post by Dark Zenith
I have a freebie 46" Sony Rear Projection for pickup, Call 943-6935, Ask
for Randy
I recieved the unit for free a year ago, had it repaired, cost 275 for a
new power supply as the unit wouldn't come out of standby. The unit is
having the same issue now. Now that it has happened again it is likely
they can track down the fault and repair that while replacing the power
supply again.
Anyways, I want the unit gone today, otherwise I will dump it. thanx
Randy - 943-6935
2007-04-15 17:25:49 UTC
I'll take it off your hands!
respond by email to arrange details
Post by Dark Zenith
Ok, lets try this again... My wife decided less than 10 minutes after
posting this to have us head out for the night... :/ anyways, this time it
IS/WILL be available... first person to REPLY to the NEWSGROUP will get
the item... I will go by chronological order for finding someone... I am
only doing this to be fair as I have no idea who all phoned, some e-mailed
and such about it... :/ anyways... post a response to the group and you
can have it :)
Post by Dark Zenith
I have a freebie 46" Sony Rear Projection for pickup, Call 943-6935, Ask
for Randy
I recieved the unit for free a year ago, had it repaired, cost 275 for a
new power supply as the unit wouldn't come out of standby. The unit is
having the same issue now. Now that it has happened again it is likely
they can track down the fault and repair that while replacing the power
supply again.
Anyways, I want the unit gone today, otherwise I will dump it. thanx
Randy - 943-6935