FS: LG 7" LCD Portable DVD Player With DivX(LPA-735)
(too old to reply)
2007-01-03 13:48:29 UTC
I bought it as a boxing day door crasher. Not opened.
Price is $139.99 plus taxes. I will be returning it on Friday, but I
thought I would give anyone a chance at it if they want it...it is on sale
again a Futureshop for $199.99 online.
Peter D
2007-01-03 14:02:21 UTC
DIVX should ass about $10 to a unit so I don't get why a portable DIVX
player costs so much when a non-DIVX portable player can be had for
$100-$12- and $75-85 on sale.

Not commenting on your price, just that price.
Post by Jabs
I bought it as a boxing day door crasher. Not opened.
Price is $139.99 plus taxes. I will be returning it on Friday, but I
thought I would give anyone a chance at it if they want it...it is on sale
again a Futureshop for $199.99 online.